


Kdyby / Console v4.0.0

Symfony Console integration for Kdyby components

download-cloud-line composer require kdyby/console
  • v4.0.0 v4.0.0

    • ๐Ÿ˜ PHP Support 7.4 | 8.0 | 8.1

    Thanks @Jakub-Fajkus

    & PeckaDesign

  • v3.0.0 v3.0.0

    • ๐Ÿ˜ PHP Support only 7.4 | 8.0
    • Only Nette 3 support
    • Dropped Travis, using GHA
    • Added makefile for composer, cs, phpstan, tests

    Thanks @pechondra

  • v2.9.0 v2.9.0

    Drop kdyby/strict-objects dependency for easier upgrades.
    Replaced \Kdyby\StrictObjects\Scream -> \Nette\SmartObject
    #91 Thanks @pechondra

  • v2.8.0 v2.8.0

    Nette 3 compatibility


    • Requires PHP >= 7.1
    • Travis and Composer cleanup
    • Added PHPStan to travis
    • Added CodingStandard to travis
    • removed unused nette libraries
    • Added PHPStan
    • Added Kdyby/CodingStandard
    • Moved PHPCoveralls to composer
    • Added Typo3/ClassAliasLoader
    • Exceptions split to own files
    • Nette framework version resolving not to be dependent on nette/application
    • fixed onShutdown event for PHPStan onShutdown only magically calls foreach on property, so i did it here too.
    • \Kdyby\StrictObjects\Scream is not compatible with Nette/SmartObject

    • added declare(strict_types = 1);, method argument types and return types PR#82 Thanks @foxycode

    • Nette/Application compatibility <= 3.1.x PR#88 Thanks @Vboss
  • v2.7.1 v2.7.1

    • Remove dependency on tracy.
    • Fix problem with empty argv in CliRouter (@northys).
    • Add support for PHP 7.2.
    • Add support Symfony 4.
  • v2.7.0 v2.7.0

    This release is for Nette ~2.4

  • v2.6.3 v2.6.3

    This release is for Nette 2.3.*

  • v2.6.1 v2.6.1

    • Compatibility with Nette 2.4
    • #38 Do not modify current router, wrap it instead; thx @Andrewsville
    • #55 Allow symfony/console 3.0; thx @enumag
    • #56 Fix detection of nette/application; thx @enumag

    This release is for Nette ~2.3 (which means also ~2.4).

  • v2.6.0 v2.6.0

    • #54 Fix compatibility with Nette/DI 2.4; thx @enumag
    • #51 Fix tracy dumper ignoring --no-ansi parameter; thx @Mikulas
    • #45 Bugfix: when anonymous commands have same arguments, container fails as their md5 hash is the same; thx @foglcz
    • #44 ContainerHelper: Exposed parameters; thx @juniwalk
    • #40 #42 nette/http & nette/application are optional dependencies; thx @pepakriz
    • #41 StringOutput::getOutput() returns an empty string instead of null; thx @fabik

    This release is for Nette ~2.3

  • v2.5.0 v2.5.0

    • fixed forward and backward comptability with symfony
    • comptability with PHP 7
    • Implemented default --debug-mode option (this breaks comptability with Kdyby/Doctrine older than 3.0), more info in phpdoc of Kdyby\Console\DI\BootstrapHelper

    This release is for Nette ~2.3

  • v2.4.0 v2.4.0

    • Fixes E_DEPRECATED errors in new Symfony versions
    • Fixed exception code range
    • Fixed opening tracy in browser

    This release is for Nette ~2.3

  • v2.3.2 v2.3.2

    • Fixes E_DEPRECATED errors in new Symfony versions
    • Fixed exception code range
    • Fixed opening tracy in browser

    This release is for Nette 2.2.*

  • v2.3.1 v2.3.1

    • Always register Console\Application but replace router only in cli and when enabled

    This release is for Nette ~2.2

  • v2.2.3 v2.2.3

    • Always register Console\Application but replace router only in cli and when enabled

    This release is for Nette 2.1.*

  • v2.3.0 v2.3.0

    • Bumped dependency on Nette to 2.2
    • Bumped dependency on Symfony/Console to ~2.5
    • Fixed behaviour when console is not run from cli and exception occurs
    • On unknown or ambiguous command log only message
  • v2.2.2 v2.2.2

    • Bumped dependency on Symfony/Console to ~2.5
    • Fixed behaviour when console is not run from cli and exception occurs
    • On unknown or ambiguous command log only message
  • v2.2.1 v2.2.1

    • Locked dependency on Nette to 2.1.*
  • v2.2.0 v2.2.0

    • Fixed calling of Nette\Application\Application::onError(), so you can depend on it. All exceptions in console should be passed there for your listeners.
  • v2.1 v2.1

    • Fixed enforced application error codes (BC Break)
    • Optional events dispatching from Console\Application to Kdyby/Events
    • CallInjects on every command that is invoked (expects that command services have inject: off)
  • v2.0.1 v2.0.1

    • Bumped dependency on Nette to ~2.1@dev
    • Compilation of extension can be turned off and on by an option
  • v1.1.6 v1.1.6

    • Locked dependency on Nette to 2.0.*
    • Compilation of extension can be turned off and on by an option
  • v1.1.5 v1.1.5

    Fixed compatibility issues

  • v2.0 v2.0

    • Allow urls with short tld
    • Fixed compatibility with Nette
  • v1.1.3 v1.1.3

    • Fixed compatibility with Nette
    • Updated Symfony/Console to ~2.2
    • Native ProgressHelper
  • v1.1.4 v1.1.4







php (>=7.1)
nette/di (^2.4.10 || ^3.0)
tracy/tracy (^2.5 || ^3.0)
symfony/console (~2.3 || ^3.0 || < 4.3)
Componette Componette