Doctrine 2 ORM integration into Nette Framework
Well-integrated Doctrine ORM for Nette Framework
Well-integrated Doctrine DBAL for Nette Framework (@nette)
Integration of Doctrine entities implementing IIdentity in Nette 2.1+
[DEPRECATED] Use Phinx instead
Standalone Doctrine Annotations for Nette Framework
Doctrine Cache adapter for Nette Framework
Doctrine 2 Cache integration into Nette Framework
Doctrine Atlantic18/DoctrineExtensions extension for Nette Framework (@nette)
[DEPRECATED] use arachne/entity-loader instead
[READ-ONLY] Nelmio\Alice integration to Nette
Phone number type for Doctrine.
CRUD functions in Doctrine2 for Nette Framework (3.0+)
[no maintenance] use nettrine/hydrator instead
Lightweight Doctrine integration extension for Nette framework.
๐ [DISCONTINUED] Convert Doctrine entity to array and conversely. Use @contributte.
Nettrine Migrations and Fixtures for Mango Tester
๐ [DISCONTINUED] Enhanced PHPdoc annotations for Nette Framework (@nette). Use nettrine/annotations.
A Tracy panel for Doctrine SQL queries
Doctrine ORM integration for nepada/message-bus
This package is considered obsolete and abandoned. Consistence Enum types for Doctrine.
๐๏ธ Propel 2 ORM integration (extension) for Nette 2.4 with Tracy debugger panel. Supports all configuration features from Propel.
Czech birth number type for Doctrine.
Persistence utils like transaction objects.
Addressable module for Nette framework and Doctrine
Autoload services to nette container
Additional integrations of Doctrine to Kdyby and Arachne packages.
Favorites module in Doctrine for Nette framework
Query collection executed as one query
Implementation of DoctrineExtensions into Nette Framework.
Simple integration of Doctrine EventManager to Nette framework.
Manage users via Symfony Console and Doctrine ORM on command line
Doctrine labels module for Nette framework